
Auf ein Motorrad zu steigen bedeutet kalkuliertes Risiko einzugehen. Die höchste Priorität unserer Enduro Touren hat immer, sicher und unverletzt anzukommen. Wir tun dies, indem wir Geschwindigkeiten und Wege fahren, die unserem Können angepasst sind, und das währenddem wir die gesamte Schutzausrüstung tragen.


  1. fahre verantwortungsbewusst
  2. so sollte es keine Zwischenfälle geben

Im Detail

Wenn deine einzige Priorität im Leben Sicherheit ist, dann bleibe zu Hause. Wörtlich. Geh nicht nach draussen.

Enduro motorcycling may look dangerous to outsiders. It’s not. * in comparison to other activities

Riding motorcycles ON PUBLIC ROADS is dangerous. We know it, and accident statistics show it. Some of us choose to only ride off-road for this reason. Trees don’t do stupid things, don’t attack you. Cars do.

Riding enduro motorcycles offroad is different. Falling off the bike in challenging terrain at very low speeds is common. We wear solid protective gear that absorbs a lot. Real accidents and injuries are rare, at least for responsible hobby riders. Races are another topic.

Driving at your limit or beyond imposes higher risks.

Listen to the pros. Graham Jarvis, the king of Hard Enduro, teaches to learn to ride slow before riding fast.

Take care of your peers, keep some distance. It’s not a race, unless it is one.

We start many of our tours with two professional guides, not only one, depending on group size. One guy leads the pack, the other cleans up at the end. Sometimes the group splits for more experienced riders to take a harder route, and then join back together later. Each rider is asked to go at his speed, at the speed at which he feels comfortable and safe. The head of the group will halt from time to time, to let everyone catch up. And he adjusts the speed to the group.

We provide top of the class safety equipment. Helmet, goggles, boots, protectors for torso, knees and elbows, gloves. While wearing these, one feels like a gladiator. In contrast, most mountain bikers wear none, and falling from a mountain bike is the same as falling from an enduro bike. Been there, done that.

Drinking alcohol and driving on public roads is forbidden in Romania, there is 0.0 tolerance, and drinking and driving is not socially accepted at all in contrast to other European countries.

If you do not feel well, don’t ride. If you are exhausted, let your guide know to return to the hotel safely (with a guide or the group, we do not leave riders alone). Bring enough water, or refill your bottle or camel bag on a source or stream.

Health insurance is up to you. Check if your health insurance package excludes „extreme sports“ such as Enduro motorcycling or motorcycle races.

Nearest hospitals are in the city of Cluj-Napoca.

Our founding member Horia is a paramedic. Because of alpine skiing. Where accidents do happen all too often.