We offer the full set of equipment and protective gear, from head to toe. Disinfected and everyday fresh.
Enduro helmet, with sun roof. Mostly for sun, wind and rain protection, very rarely for impact. Still indispensable.
Brand and model: Fox V1

Enduro goggles (as for skiing), transparent. Why you need glasses on an Enduro tour: to protect your face from the dirt that spins from the wheel of the person in front of you. And to protect your eyes from flies and other insects, and tree branches. We usually ride with transparent goggles because trails run through forests, and with the quick light changes and sunglasses on, you’d have troubles seeing the path. The helmet has a sun roof.
Note that wearing glasses for eye correction under these is not too comfortable. Lenses are recommended. If you really need to wear glasses, you may want to buy and bring goggles that you tested and that work for you.
Brand: 100%

Body protector (Torso)
Light body armour. Rarely needed for impact, but definitely good to have. And you look like Hulk in photos.
Brand and model: Leatt AirFit

Enduro shirt, comes on top of the body armour. Protects body armour from dirt and damage. And makes you look like a pro racer.
Brand: Fly Racing, model Kinetic

Enduro gloves. Thin for a good grip and great feel on the gas. Not much protection on impact. (The bikes are equipped with hand guards to protect your hands from tree branches.)
Brand: Fly Racing, model Kinetic

Knee protectors
Solid knee and shin protector. These are important. They prevent overstretching of the knee. And there is the occasional hit against the legs from pieces of wood, or rocks.
Brand and model: Leatt Dual Axis

Elbow protectors
Brand: Fox Enduro Pro

Enduro pants, they come over the knee protectors and your personal underwear. You’d look silly without these.
Brand: Fly Racing, model Kinetic

Enduro Boots
Solid, military-grade, partially waterproof boots. They come up over the shin. The boots are the protective equipment that get the most impact. From pieces of wood, rocks, touch downs.
Brand and model: Gaerne GX1

Rain jacket
We bring it depending on weather. Also works well as wind protection to keep the body warm.
Brand: Decathlon
Limited availability. Small Enduro backpack for phone, wallet, water. Can be equipped with camel bag for water.
Brand: Decathlon Rockrider

Not provided by us: personal underwear
Underpants. Any shape and colour you like.

Knee-long socks. We strongly recommend long socks, else the fasteners of the knee protectors will be directly on your skin, and it is not too comfortable and leaves marks on the skin.

Functional wear. In spring and autumn it is a good idea to bring some, the temperature in the mountains can be quite lower than in the city.
See also our page about what to bring to your off-road adventures in Romania.